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Engine: Unity 

Development Time: 2021 September - 2022 May

Team Position: Sound Designer

Team Size: 14

Planetary Planter is a farming game where the player grows celestial bodies instead of crops. And then the player puts those items into constellations, eventually making and entire galaxy of systems and stars they have grown on their farm.

Screenshot (72).png

I was brought onto the team as a sound designer around halfway into development so the main problem I was tasked with is building all the information I needed from scratch. So in the first few sprints I took a lot of time to look through the documents, ask the designers, and play through the game and note down everything I think the game needed.

Then I got to work on making and implementing the sounds. All the while keeping up with mechanical changes or additions, as well as receiving feedback from the team. Eventually resulting in the final build today. All the sfx were made with either foley, or a synth. Once the actual sound was recorded I would put it into logic, or audacity and begin cutting it to make it fit the mechanic. Then when able I brought each sound into a master project where I could bus each through a master compressor and reverb so it all sounded cohesive. 

00:00 / 00:01

Placing object into Constellation

00:00 / 00:01


00:00 / 00:01

Opening Shed

00:00 / 00:02


Screenshot (83).png
Screenshot (82).png

Once they were made and approved by team feedback it was a matter of getting it into the build itself. Since we were a comparatively small team most of the first sounds implemented were my responsibility. I was using a sound manager I had found in a tutorial and I had used to good success in previous projects.  

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